Saturday, September 30, 2006

internet gem of the week - borowitz

this week's gem is a site i visit almost daily. i don't always agree with the statements made and from what i can gather from some of my readers you may not either. but it does always make me laugh.

the Borowitz Report

and now that i'm a blogger it amazes me that he writes every day, and it's expected to be funny everyday, and it is partly based on some truth in the news media, but yet also very made up, and then the last paragraph is always so wacky and funny to me. imagine if it was your job to be funny on demand everyday!


Blogger maggie said...

ok. i'll follow holly's example and use this blog as a mass email.

i need old cd's. they will be spraypainted so it doesn't matter what kind of cd's they are.

come on, i know all of you ipod users don't even use your cd's anymore. this would be a great opportunity to clean out.

please, please, please. thank you.

10/02/2006 06:04:00 PM  

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

syatp 2006

you guys are awesome. i am really proud of all of you that showed up this morning. for those of you who forgot or simply woke up late here's what you missed out on.

grandview high school:

grandview middle school:

and a quick movie:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

way to go, guys!!!! :o)

i remember my high school being so 'foreign' in a spiritual sense. [not that i was ALL godly]

my memories help me remember and have compassion for what it must be like for all of you to suit up everyday and deal with all that stuff you encounter.

way to make the choice to stand up, be seen, and praise the Lord!!!!

:oP Holly

9/28/2006 03:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so i have a question.

i am offering extra credit to my kids contingent on them sharing their personal walk. Is that ethical?

so, we do devotions in my first period on monday, wednesday, and friday. So, i told them i would offer them extra credit (equivilent to half a 'normal' weeks points in general duties) if they:
(1) shared something they were struggling with, or working through with Jesus,
(2) if they opened the discussion for others to add what they were going through,
(3) and they have kids produce something (half page devotion, etc.)

One of my girls had a real problem with it. She didn't understand why she had to share her personal struggles to attain the full extra credit points.

my response was, basically:

"it's extra credit. don't do it if you don't want to do it."
and then I even said she could get partial extra credit if she didn't want to share her personal struggles.

She still had a problem with it.

Am I being a good discipler, or a bad one? in other words, is it unethical for me to require personal sharing?


9/28/2006 03:23:00 PM  

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

question of the week - tv

this past week was 'premiere week' across all television networks so this week's question is:

what is your favorite show (new or old) and why??

deb and i's favorite is The Amazing Race. we love to travel and we also love to compete. (we're secretly hoping the show will still be running in 6-7 years from now when we can leave our kids for a month to compete in the race!)

CSI:Miami and Monk are also favorites. we also like the Biggest Loser, but we haven't gotten a chance to watch it this season yet.

what we're really looking forward to is 24 in january


Anonymous Anonymous said...


i love lucy


will & grace, old school

there is probably more, but those are what i remember

9/26/2006 03:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


sat night live, old school

jay leno

9/26/2006 03:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To tell you the truth i don't know if I even have a favorite T.V. show, I think that I am too busy to watch a whole show and actually know what it is about. I think the last show that i seriously watched would have to be Seventh Heaven

9/26/2006 04:16:00 PM  
Blogger jessika said...

without revealing the fact that i have practically no life during the afternoon, i like the tyra banks show.
my favorite shows are reality shows...american idol, america's got talent, biggest loser, and hell's kitchen.
i also am really into bones and justice right now...and i'm definitely with abe and deborah about 24!

9/27/2006 12:12:00 AM  
Blogger maggie said...

24, Law and Order: SVU, CSI:Miami, How do I Look, Clean Sweep, Apprentice, House, 4400

boy i guess i'm old, since there are no sitcoms on my list. that used to be all i watched.

maybe it's cable - more shows.

9/27/2006 12:26:00 AM  
Blogger maggie said...

24, Law and Order: SVU, CSI:Miami, How do I Look, Clean Sweep, Apprentice, House, 4400

boy i guess i'm old, since there are no sitcoms on my list. that used to be all i watched.

maybe it's cable - more shows.

9/27/2006 12:27:00 AM  
Blogger maggie said...

sorry, guess i was being impatient. hey none of us answered the why part. too late for that now, i'm going to bed.

9/27/2006 12:28:00 AM  

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Monday, September 25, 2006

get to know your pastor - wwe

instead of repeating myself, start off by reading "the other stuff" in this post, where i talk about my feelings while watching WWE's Friday Nigh Smackdown.

ok, now that you've read that, i'd like to expound on more of my thoughts from last friday night. i've always found it interesting that all these guys put on such a "bravado" attitude while on camera. saying things like, "i'm the toughest guy in the universe; no one can take me down; i'm gonna crush so-and-so into next year" etc., etc., ad nauseum. i've always thought wouldn't it be funny to find out that it truly is all 'just a show'. and so in public they put on this tough guy persona and wanting to relate to the "Walmart Crowd" (i mean no offense, i personally shop at walmart and have no problems doing so. although i wouldn't categorize myself as being part of the "Walmart Crowd") but then i private they dress completely different, have controlled manners, refined tastes, are super intelectuals, and basically 'hob nob' with other rich people.

pretty weird to think about, heh?

it's kinda like finding out that the "PC guy" in those new Apple commercials is in real life a Mac user. go figure?!!


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sunday night links - monday edition 9/24/06

so here's a recap of sunday night if you missed it or just wanted a review.

// the message
Then Agrippa said to Paul, "Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?" // Acts 26;29
if you're trying to "persuade" your friends to become Christians, you're probably not very effective. because if you you can convince someone to become a Christian, someone else can convince them to not be.

finally i gave you a challenge:

1) GO to "see you at the pole" this wednesday at your school @ 6.30am

2) PRAY once you're there, because that's the point, right?!

3) TELL someone later that day that you prayed for them.

// the videos




Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was not sure if i agreed with your Sun night speech, just to share.

there is so much for apologetics. and so many people who came to faith through science and investigating. (ex: Lee Strobel).

I agree with you, though, that you can't bring someone into the faith in and of yourself. [your not bringing them into a faith of you, anyhow. the spirit has timing.]

there is a lot to be said for investigative pursuits with well developed rhetoric, though.

i spent time in college scientifically looking at the evidence.

so, i guess i agree with what you said, lol... there was just something i had dissonance with. somewhere.

i got through school today!!!!! i was so scared i was not going to!!!!!

and i got the oppurtunity to prepare chapel today. I was worried I would not have anything, cauze I hadn't prepared. So I asked another teacher what she was doing and she said, " I don't know, I haven't figured it out yet." That made me feel in company!

So this month our character of faith is Abraham, and the key virtue being dedication. I prepared out of Elizabeth Elliot's Discipline: The Glad Surrender.

There is a chapter talking about how we can know we are called in an area because we obey the word and the Lord.

The chapter was talking about how we often don't know what destiny the Lord has for us in our future, and so we revert to sentamentalism because we are highly relational and want to have fun (and rebellious).

So, we can know we are called because we obey. The book says sometimes we are given a desire for something, or we are convicted to do or not do something.

i was appreciating this last month's tag line for responsibility in kid's church :"proving you can be trusted with what is expected of you.'

So, this was meaningful for me in appreciating dedication with obedience with calling with responsibility. But I am not sure my students got anything.

I did not force conversation this time, by calling them by name. I just waited until people spoke.

But I know I was following the Spirit's leadership in terms of facilitating the group discussion. So, I am excited to see if anything is visably produced from that.

Does that stuff sound off-base and not relating to each other?

9/26/2006 02:58:00 PM  

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Sunday, September 24, 2006

construction zone video

just in case you check the blog before going to church . . . check out the new "under construction" video!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved the video! It was great!
Susan (Maggie's friend)

9/25/2006 10:28:00 PM  

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Friday, September 22, 2006

gem of the week -

hey i found this site with free downloadable songs. even though the title says "" it will work on stoneage "windows pc's" too. (bias intended)

anyway there's a sampling of different genres. i've already downloaded about 10 of the songs and loaded them into itunes. (BTW apple came out with iTunes 7.0 this past week, check it out!)

in case you don't figure it out. when you go to the site click on the name of the song, then scroll down to the "download this song" link. you may have to right click on the link and choose 'save file as' or something to that effect to get it to download.

you can also click on the little blue play button just under the title of the song to hear a sample. oh and one last thing, on the right side there is a list of categories with the number of songs in each genre.



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Thursday, September 21, 2006

syatp rally

it was great to see everyone that made it out to the SYATP rally in sunnyside yesterday. i just wanted to take a moment to remind those of you who took posters to talk to your administrators (if you haven't already) to give them a heads up about the event and to ask permission to put the posters up.

secondly i wanted to say that i think you guys rock. now don't get me wrong, i'm all into students being involved in ministry. i'm just grateful for being a part of a ministry with students that do ministry well. like i said, reallife, you rock!

finally another reminder to be talking to others who were not at the rally to go to SYATP. get involved, if someone isn't leading the event for your school take the lead. and most of all remember to pray.

i've heard from the middle school kids that they'll be meeting at 6.30am. when's the high school crowd meeting?? (let me know i want to take pics)

here's some pics from last year's SYATP!


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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

wednesday wisdom - philippians (cont'd)

In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. // phil. 4.6-7 (WEB)

school is in full swing. morning temperatures have dropped, football games friday nights, homework deadlines to remember, SYATP rally (tonight), Youth Convention around the corner, and tests to study for. for an active student these and more are part of your weekly schedule. it can be easy to begin to get anxious about everything!

let the verses above be a reminder that "the peace of God . . . will guard your hearts and thoughts in Christ Jesus."  isn't that amazing.  through "prayer" we can release our worries, fears, anxieties, and stress to the God of the Universe.  obviously this sounds 'easier said than done'.  but let me assure you that the longer you practice this the quicker you realize the peace that God provides.

it truly is pretty amazing and as the Word says, "surpasses all understanding."


ok, to continue last week's discussion . . . first of all, thank you to all who responded.

now, i promised you my take on bible reading and devotional time.  the question was "what is the right amount of bible reading a day??  a chapter? 5 chapters? 5 minutes? 120 minutes?"  in short the answer is "yes!"

you see, we have to first look at "what's the point of devotions in the first place?"  if you are doing your devotions because your pastor or youth pastor or somebody else said "YOU SHOULD DO DEVOTIONS EVERYDAY."  then that's when you begin to ask questions like "what's the right amount?"  your motivation is off.  your devotional life shouldn't be a "to do" item in a checklist.

no, instead your motivation should be, "i'm in love with Jesus and i want to know him more and more everyday."  if that's the case then you don't read a certain amount of time or a certain length of passage.  you read to know Jesus more.

so sometimes you'll feel like reading a whole small epistle in one sitting in order to get a better understanding of the letter as a whole.  sometimes you'll start reading and God's Word and two sentences into it a phrase in one verse will just capture your heart.  other times you'll read a passage and nothing will jump out at you so you'll read the same chapter again!  why?? because you want to know Jesus more.

honestly, there are times that i read a lot, other times a few verses, and (truthfully) sometimes i read until i fall asleep because i've waited till the end of the evening to remember to get into the Word.

so remember romans 8.1

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who don’t walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.  (WEB)

don't let anyone condemn you (not even you) for not "reading the right amount during your devotions" - God doesn't condemn you.

Question:  should you read everyday??  Answer:  do you want to know Jesus everday?

Blogged with Flock


Blogger jessika said...

that's so true and such and encouragement!!!

9/21/2006 01:28:00 PM  

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

question of the week - farts/day?

yep you read correctly . . .

how many times do you fart a day?

you probably don't normally keep track so take the next 24 hours and keep a mental track of your gastric system. (or make a paper tally if it would be too much to mentally track it)

post your numbers here tomorrow. of if you'd like keep track for a whole week and then give us an average. go ahead, don't be shy, in the light of eternity who really cares how much you fart, it'll be fun!


btw i forgot to post these numbers last week

:: 213/4/3

if you don't know what those numbers mean read this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your a total guy....

i am going to head over to your princess-bride's blog.

9/19/2006 04:23:00 PM  
Blogger maggie said...

can we all post as anonymous??

9/19/2006 05:24:00 PM  
Blogger jessika said...

ummmmmmm...abe, i don't think that any of the middle schoolers in our youth group even go to this blog...and i don't think anyone else would really want to comment:)

9/19/2006 06:32:00 PM  
Blogger The Bald Guy said... be totally honest, I fart like 50 times in a day...sometimes more

9/19/2006 07:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well...why do you honestly want to know you SICKO?!?!?!?!?

9/19/2006 07:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't really care or want to know, per se. but just thought it'd be a fun question.

and truth be told, i've noticed that i've been farting a lot recently. but it's ok because mine don't stink. no really, they don't! about 98% of the time they're just noise, no substance.


9/19/2006 09:20:00 PM  

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Monday, September 18, 2006

get to know your pastor - shoes

i've got to get some better shoes. for the past two weeks or so my left heel has been hurting. not enough to make me limp, but painful nonetheless and constant.

to further aggrevate this condition is the fact that i've begun exercising this past weekend because of my nike+ iPod system. moreover, because i didn't shell out $100+ for the nike shoes that go with it, i've been having to put the little sensor under the insole of my current "walmart special" shoes (right under my arch). this is tolerable when walking or running, but in no way comfortable. (i did buy the $10 pouch that velcros to my laces, but it hasn't arrived yet)

but i'm not really sure what pair of shoes is causing me the pain. is it my "walmart" running shoes? my $20 payless black shoes? or my $20 payless brown shoes?? and if i'm going to buy new good shoes that will support my feet correctly then do i have to buy all new shoe styles??

any suggestions?? what brand of running shoes do you recommend? where can i get a good price? or would getting "dr. scholl's" type insoles be sufficient?

also a dilema to throw into the mix is the reason why i buy such cheap shoes. it seems that i "go through" shoes very quickly. in fact i usually don't buy new shoes until the current ones are falling apart. what are your suggestions on how to maintain my shoes better?

the wierdest part . . . it's only my left foot that hurts?! go figure.

ps. i almost forgot here's the link to the article that gives your life expectancy based on age, race, and geography.

Blogged with Flock


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i do have payless and wal-mart shoes...

but i think girls shoes are different, because a lot of times we have so many of them. they are an accessory for us more than for guys.

tennis shoes are a quality staple in your wardrobe.

so, my personal opinion for you is to shell out the money for good shoes. if you have pain issues, that is not cool.

an extra $50 is well worth it to be happy about nice shoes, to look good, and to not be in pain.

shoes are important.

now, for you 'going through shoes so fast,' typically cheap shoes fall apart faster then nice shoes. not that this will solve all of those issues.

i think, abe, you may just be a high-maintenece shoes person. Accept yourself as you are! ;oP

in regards to types of tennis shoes, or sneakers, (i can't remember what you called them), i like the N brand... i can't remember which one that is... New Balance? or Addidas.

But that is just because I don't like Nike or Reebok, personally.

If I can influence you away from Nike or Reebok, I have fufilled my mission in life!


9/19/2006 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am an official bereen student, finally.

i have been avoiding being in school... and now i am literally and methodoligically IN ONE.

wait... i just confused myself...

I'm excited! what is that song? 'obedience is neat?' i can't remember what song that comes from..... oh! wait! the jonah song.... dum dum dum dum, do de dum dum dum, etc.

9/19/2006 08:36:00 AM  
Blogger maggie said...

Way to go Holly!!

9/19/2006 12:22:00 PM  

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hello forgotten blog world

hey everyone, sorry i've been a lazy bum about posting recently. i plan to post more today and more regularly this week.

(oh and teri you can post whenever you want too!)
(oh and if you want to be a reallife blog post-er as well send me an email)


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Friday, September 15, 2006

gem of the week - coffins with style

this week's gem has to do with the "hereafter".

for some serious coffin art check out Skinnable coffins.

for some dead people really going out in style go to Pimp My Coffin.



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Thursday, September 14, 2006

before and after

i got my two baby canine teeth taken out today. here's my old & new smile . . .




Anonymous Anonymous said...

is anyone sciency? or artsy?

i have to grade papers saturday, and it bores me to death.

would anyone have saturday free and want to explore a science room? you could see tons of preserved parasites, different rocks and minerals...

or, if you are artsy, I have tons of posters that need to be put up...

hopefully a girl, so gossip doesen't flare up at my school considering i am a 'teacher.'



9/15/2006 09:13:00 AM  

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

wednesday wisdom - philippians

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. // phil. 3.14 (WEB)

i've just finished reading philippians in my bible reading. this particular verse jumped out to me because i've begun exercising again. in reading through it this time i was impressed with how "intense" paul seems. he says things like; "suffering loss", "to die is gain", "press[ing] on", "that i may take hold of". it's certainly not your casual sunday morning only Christianity.

this got me thinking: how intense am i?? do others look at me and say "whoa, calm down man. you don't have to be that into Jesus"? to be honest, i think the answer is "no." i'm probably more vocal about my faith than some people. (duh, i'm a youth pastor. i probably should be, right?) but i don't think people think i'm over-the-top fanatical.

the other thing i wanted to mention in respect to philippians is that it's a really short book. for most people it'd be no problem to read it all in one sitting. so the question is: in your opinion, how much bible reading is the "right" amount?

growing up i had the idea in my head that "a chapter a day" was the right amount. i'm not really sure where i got that, nonetheless that's what i often did. later i heard that a "good Christian" should read the bible in a year. that works out to about 4-5 chapters a day. then i've heard said that you should just read a certain amount of time per day. (5 min., 15 min., 1 hour, etc.) or should we not focus on how much, but on what we are reading or that we are. so as long as you read 'something' out of the bibe every day that's all that matters. which brings up another question: how "often" should someone read the bible??

i'll post my own responses to these questions next week, until then tell me what you think and what do you actually "do" in the comments section.

Blogged with Flock


Anonymous Anonymous said...


i am totally rebelling and coveting your "Mary, Mary" cd.... if you are reading this.... so Annie brought it to church, and I LOVED IT, and I took it outside of church, and have been listening to it (which is SO WRONG)!

I have not submitted myself yet to actually hand it over. IT is not mine!

If you are wondering where your c.d. is, I have it.

I am sorry. I will hand it back Sunday unless you call for it earlier.

Ab, reading is a totally personal thing, right?

I have no idea for your answer. I am teaching my kids in their health class in their spiritual chapter fundamentals like, it can transform your life, etc.

I would love wisdom about this too. Lately, I have got myself in a lot of messes (within the last week especially), so I would say 2 hours a day for me is ideal right now....

maybe 1.5 hours would have kept me out of the ditch?

with prism stuff (I personally lump most devotional stuff with the 'reading the word' stuff) i have been averaging 45 minutes a day....

so, i am in the ditch and thus that was not sufficient.

on a side note, what is AG's position on predestination? some other discusssion......

9/14/2006 07:51:00 AM  
Blogger reallife.MINISTRIES said...

holly (and anyone who's interested),

here's the AG position on predestination.

9/14/2006 07:22:00 PM  
Blogger jessika said...

that was very helpful to learn about the A.G. stance on holly, i guess you're not in any danger because you have my cd :)...just kidding.
about the Bible reading question. i'm not really sure what the "correct" amount of reading would be. i was reading our improving your serve book for the round table discussion early in the week and they were talking about the importance of meditating on God's word. that really helped me to see how much of my thought life is spent on other (mostly unimportant things). i usually don't make it a priority to let what i read sink into my heart or even stay in my head very long...God's been challenging me with on that. i don't think it's really the amount of time someone spends reading or the number of verses and chapters, i think it's about what one does with the that's my two cents about that.

9/15/2006 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


thanks for the predesination link. i was trying to get out of my responsibility.... j/k

its good to know the church knocks that over.. haha

yeah, the improve your serve was good jessika, for the reading subject.

take every thought captive to christ. that word captive, and you talking, helped me visualize a thought being wrestled to the ground, and having it bound.

except i didn't visualize ropes, just to share... what do they do in wrestling? "1, 2, 3!" with the shoulder touching the ground?

you talked about meditating on the word for at least [some] time... so my wrestling man is lying there on the ground, with his shoulders held to the ground, to meditate in the captivity of Christ....

yeah, i know it is a stretch... felt like sharing my obscene (or mundane) mental tangents.

actually, i am now appreciating the sport of wrestling as very much like our walk with Christ.

You get to run in a 'rubber suit' for a while if you need to lose weight.

You get to gain weight super fast if that is the case.

You often look rediculous in those wrestling leotards....

You get to be very scrapy in your daily wrestling matches.

Your game time, per event, has tons and tons of preperation and little ring time.

Your on the spot on those ring times...

anyhow... another random tangent.
abe-my personal internet usage is up until i am out of this phase.

9/16/2006 03:34:00 PM  

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

question of the week - online usage?

okay i realize the responses on the question will be skewed because of the nature of the question and the way it's being asked:

"how much time do you spend online per week??"

obviously people who don't spend much time online may not even have a chance to read this question, and those without internet access won't be able to answer at all.  but i just thought it'd be interesting for others to know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

research purposes (school, etc):


1-1.5 hours


9/12/2006 04:08:00 PM  
Blogger The Bald Guy said...

well...i spend A LOT of time on the computer. At least 2 hours for just games

9/12/2006 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well it depends on the day, sometimes 1hour or more if i have homework or not.

9/12/2006 06:04:00 PM  
Blogger reallife.MINISTRIES said...

jason, teri, are those your weekly times or your daily time online??

personally i probably spend at least 1-2 hours online daily (depending on if i work at pizza hut in the evenings or not.) sometimes up to 5 hours a day.

so . . . weekly that'd work out to about 15 hours ! ! ! "holy cable modem, batman!" that's a lot of time.

9/12/2006 08:38:00 PM  
Blogger jessika said...

i think i spend from 5-8 hours online a week.

9/15/2006 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well i dont know now. this past week has been so crazy that i havent been on that much.

9/16/2006 09:47:00 AM  

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Monday, September 11, 2006

get to know your pastor - exercise

as many of you know, but for those who don't, last january a group of us from church decided to do a sort of mini-"biggest loser" challenge. there was about 6 of us who started out trying to lose as much weight as we could by easter. (oh and we each had $25 on the line for the winner.)

during the first 4 weeks i was very 'gung-ho' about it all. i excersiced every day, sometimes twice a day. i ate right; fruits, veggies, lots of water, low calories, etc. and i was doing really well too. my enthusiasm tapered a bit after the first month and then ramped back up toward the end.

all in all though i was proud of my results. i had reduced my weight by a small toddler and my clothes were enormous on me. click to read more [+/-]

it felt good to buy new clothes that were smaller! // BTW - i started at 226 lbs and ended at 199 lbs. (the most i remember my weight being is 240!)

at the time, the things i was doing i felt were making good lifestyle changes. i felt they were things i could continue even after the challenge was over. my body felt good and i remember feeling "bleggghhhhhh-ish" when i didn't exercise or if i binged on some sweets. and in all honestly the choices i was making were things i could continue, but the pressure was off. i no longer had $25 at stake and i didn't have another person to "compete" against.

recently though i've read this article which has gotten me interested in exercising again. plus the fact that i've noticed the pounds creeping back. i'm not back up to my "pre biggest loser" weight, but it's back up to about 212. (uh oh) so i've decided to start exercising and eating right again.

so does anyone want to join me in this health journey for life?? i'll use this blog as my accountability. every monday at the end of each post i'll state 1) my current weight, 2) how many times i've exercised the previous week, 3) and a number between 0-7 describing how well i ate that week (i'll give myself one point for each day i eat good.)

i hope to be getting a Nike + iPod system for the iPod nano which will give me information about miles ran and times, etc. so when i get that i'll add another number between #2 and #3, or perhaps i'll just replace #2 with 'miles ran'.

:: 212 / 1 (today) / 1 (today)


Blogger deblara said...

i love you abe. you are incredible. i am proud of you. i will join you as soon as i can. oxoxox

9/11/2006 04:28:00 PM  

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Friday, September 08, 2006

Movie Night Tonight!

just a quick reminder to everyone that tonight is our monthly "reallife.MOVIE Night". although i won't be there, i look forward to hearing about a fun time and good turn out for Vicki. i appreciate her filling in for me and investing into the youth.

it can be intimidating for a new leader to take "charge" of a group the first time they come to an activity so do me a favor and be on your best behavior. oh yeah . . . and SHOW UP! (there's nothing more disheartening, than being the leader with no one to lead.) :-(  oh and bring some snacks to share (movies are always better with snacks!).

it's still a toss up as to what to show . . . i guess you'll just be surprised! ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow...i guess i'ma be going to this thing then.(i love surprises).
on a completely different note, its a well known fact,(by "well known fact", i mean i know it) that the snack doesn't make the movie better, the movie makes the snack better! that is all i have to say about that.

9/08/2006 03:29:00 PM  

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Thursday, September 07, 2006


People, opinions, and you.
Why does it seem like people are constantly trying to enforce their opinions on you? I think that every person does this at one point in their lives, but lately a lot of people have been doing it to me. But I am very very very very very glad that by the grace of God I can get through the day without thinking " I'm doing the right thing aren't I?" Sometimes it even seems like they know that your mind is made up but they still try to drill it into your head, or sometimes they just try to drill it into your head anyways. What I think is very funny is that they are talking but they are trying to make it sound like it is addressed to everyone but they really only want you to hear it . Everyone has a different opinion on different things, but it seems like some people live to have their opinions known, shouldn't we be living for Jesus to be know? I know I don't do a very good job of it sometimes but I try.

This is Teri (seeing at i didn't mention that before)
Night and God Bless


Blogger reallife.MINISTRIES said...

i'm not exactly sure what the topic is that you're refering to, but it seems that you also have very strong opinions about it too. otherwise you wouldn't be so bothered by other people's strong opinions.

i once heard it said, "those convinced against their will are of the same opinion still." meaning that if i get you to go along with something but you didn't want to be convinced, are you really "going along" with it??

a final "opinion" on the subject and then an encouragement: perhaps let some other mentors (parents, pastors, teachers) in on your feelings about the subject. and let them guide you in your thoughts and decisions. you maybe surprised, perhaps God is using those "other" people to speak some truth to you. they may be telling you out of "unpure motives" but knowingly or unknowingly they are preaching Christ's words to you.

now for the encouragement: teri thanks for enteracting and getting involved in the blog. personally, i appreciate it and think you're off to a great start. i look forward to many more posts in the future!

9/07/2006 07:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think the fact of the matter is, not everyone is going to agree with us...and that's ok. of course we want to feel supported by others in our decisions (especially by the people we care about), but sometimes this doesn't happen. i think the important thing is to first of all follow what is written in the Bible, and also what you believe God has spoken directly to your own heart. We also have to be accountable to others...that's why we have a church body. be willing to listen to the people who God has placed in authority over you and to the christian friends that you have (like what pastor abe said.)...and first and formost listen to God's opinion and make sure that yours doesn't contradict His. after you've done these things don't worry about the opinions of's God's job to change hearts and minds, not ours. we need to make sure that we are "preaching Christ" not preaching ourselves.

9/08/2006 02:04:00 PM  
Blogger The Bald Guy said...

dude you guys don't even it is to be bald. you should try it sometime...

9/08/2006 02:08:00 PM  
Blogger The Bald Guy said...

i totally agree with everything you guys said

9/08/2006 02:09:00 PM  
Blogger The Bald Guy said...


9/10/2006 03:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


For whatever this is worth:

In college (debatish classes) I learned that the more advanced and mature thinking is Inductive verses Deductive reasoning.

Meaning, starting with a small point and progressing bigger is of higher mental capability and value then starting from a big concept, and 'breaking' or 'tearing' it down into a smaller point.

This teaching really testified to me about how adventageous it is to walk in obedience with the Lord. If the Lord tells you something through (1) the word, (2) or personally, and (3) it does not contradict what quality mentors reinforce (or what the Bible says), you KNOW and you can TRUST where the Lord has you, and where he is taking you.

Also, the bible says something, to the effect, of 'think of only what is pure, lovely, right, and just.' Don't let other people steal your Joy! Maybe they are just throwing their 'stuff' on you. They may not know they are doing it, nor may they mean to be harming you.

Maybe what i have said makes sense, and maybe it doesen't. I felt like sharing it, though! :o)


9/10/2006 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I forgot to mention 2 Timothy 2:14-15.... I really like how that relates to what 'I' was talking about...

...well, it relates in my head, anyhow...:oP

9/10/2006 05:30:00 PM  

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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

loving the interaction!

hey, now this is what i'm talking about. i'm glad to see more interaction in the comments sections of the blog. i especially like how one of the comments was responding to another comment written and not necessarily to the original post at all.

which is another reason to check the "recent blog love" section to see if any comments were added to something you added a comment to.

much love to everyone, and news has it that we'll be having some "student" blog guest authors soon. i look forward to it!


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wednesday wisdom - 9/6/06

Preach Christ: "It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. The latter do so in love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice."

i've read this passage many times. in fact when i was younger i had the whole book memorized as part of Bible Quiz. and each time it has puzzled me. paul speaks of people who "preach Christ" out of wrong motives and yet he still rejoices?? wouldn't they be giving Christ a bad name?? aren't these the type of Christians that we wish weren't because they make the rest of us look bad?? so why is paul happy about them preaching Christ??

but then i quickly turn to myself. what are my motives?? do i do it to further Christ's Kingdom? or do i preach to make myself look good?

it's getting kinda late for me to finish this post, but to end . . . what are your motives?? do some soul searching.


Blogger jessika said...

that's so true because if we're looking at what other people and their character shortcomings, our focus won't be on Jesus...which is who we need to reflect to the best of our ability. that was a really big encouragement for me. thanks!

9/07/2006 04:05:00 PM  

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

question of the week? - anything to say?

ok, first of all i'll pose the same incentive as last week: leave a comment this week and get a candy next sunday night.

and speaking of leaving comments . . . now on to the question of the week:

do you have anything to say?

let me explain. i'd like to have some of you post onto this "reallife blog." i'm pretty open to whatever you want to say as long as it isn't obscene or in poor taste. but for the most part i'd like to hear your voices, and for your voices to be heard.

so what do you have to say?? maybe you'll write about our thoughts or feelings about our "sunday nights" discussions? or maybe you've got a great story to tell about your uncle jim and the rabbit trick? or maybe you just want to share the site of some online game you really like? or maybe you have someting to say about social issues at your school? or maybe you just want to say that the greyhounds are going to beat the "insert opponent here" in this weekend's game? or maybe you want to disagree with what Pastor Abe said during a sermon?

whatever you have to say, here's the place to say it. i'm offering you a wide platform. if you're interested in being a guest author on the "reallife blog" then leave me a comment and i'll send you and "invitiation" to become a "blog team member" with the ability to author posts. hope to hear from you soon! don't be shy, i know some of you know how to talk! :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey abe, I just wanted to let you know that i'm still BALD and go to

9/06/2006 08:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you hate it when you feel like someone is talking at you? They may ask "hey can i talk to you", but all they really seem to do is talk at you. But what really bothers me is when you can't seem to say what you really wanted to in the first place. I finally just told them what i wanted to say but at first i just was there, i don't like being just there. I don't understand why you think you are doing the right thing you've prayed about it alot but then someone just says one little thing and makes you feel like you weren't doing what was right, I'm just glad that God gave me the strangth to tell them what he has been telling me for a while now. Sorry this is kind of long but it was open so i decided to write.

9/06/2006 08:59:00 PM  
Blogger The Bald Guy said...

hey i got my own blog...i think

9/06/2006 09:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey teri,
so you mean like a person is like telling you their point of view and don't let you explain your own? that's never fun. i would compare it to a load of garbage being dumped over your head...just remember that the steps of a righteous (wo)man are ordered by the Lord. as long as you're truly obedient to Him, don't worry about what other people might say.

9/06/2006 10:23:00 PM  
Blogger jessika said...

well teri,
i'll be praying...that can be a very frustrating situation. remember that the steps of a righteous (wo)man are order of the Lord. keep following him and let other people think what they want.

9/06/2006 11:08:00 PM  
Blogger jessika said...

oh...i didn't think that first comment got posted...weird.

9/06/2006 11:09:00 PM  
Blogger abelara said...

actually jessika your first comment got posted twice and so i deleted one of them to consolidate! :-)

9/07/2006 02:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jessika,

Thanks that really does make me feel better:) I think that will help me a lot. i have a ton of homework so i better go before i get into trouble lol.

9/07/2006 04:30:00 PM  

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Monday, September 04, 2006

get to know your pastor - phantom of the opera

so as i write this i'm sitting on the couch with my wife and sister-in-law watching "the phantom of the opera" (movie). it was either this or "memoirs of geisha," both of which score at a 10 or above on the "chick flick" factor. i had heard of phantom of the opera, the play/opera, but didn't have any idea what it was about. then again, i don't know much about "memoirs" either. and of course i was familiar with it's trademark organ music.

so here's my thoughts on "The Phantom of the Opera" click to read more [+/-]
i do have to say that my mindset going into the movie was tainted by a review i'd heard. the review mentioned that "the phantom" didn't play well as a moive, that it should have been left as play/opera. we've watched 37 minutes out of 141 minutes so far. and i'd have to say i agree!

now, maybe it's simply because i'm a guy, because both of the ladies sitting to my right had seen the movie before and wanted to watch it again. (none of us had seen "memoirs") or maybe it's because it's based on an opera, and frankly i'm not sure if i'd like the storyline much better as an opera. or maybe it's because of the fact that they're singing 90% of the dialogue? i don't know what it is, but as the minutes tick away (90 left!) i find myself more firmly planted in the-guys-who-do-not-like-phantom-of-the-opera camp.

and i do have to say that my feelings are unique to Phantom Of The Opera (POTO). and here's why: as a guy i have to say that there are quite a few "chick flicks" that i do like; pride & prejudice, the princess bride, father of the bride, while you were sleeping, meet joe black, even you've got mail.

i've only seen one other real opera, the nutcracker, and i liked it. (but i guess technically that was a ballet)

and it's not that i'm against musicals, one of my favorite movies of all time Fiddler on the Roof is a musical.

so it seems to be just a POTO thing. i don't like it, at least as a movie. maybe my feelings would change if i saw it on stage. but i put up with it for my wife's sake. i love her and i'm sure there's a thousand things that i like that she puts up with me simply because we're married and we love each other.

so which side of the POTO camp are you in?? do you have any kind of recommendations for me before i watch "memoirs of geisha"?


Blogger jessika said...

hey abe...i bet if you watched phantom of the opera with emmanuel, it would have been more...ummmm...interesting. my brothers, israel, teri and i watched it with emmanuel a couple days ago...anyway you should ask him his opinion sometime...oh, and i totally agree with you about "you've got mail" and "fiddler on the roof".

9/05/2006 11:11:00 PM  

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Saturday, September 02, 2006

gem of the week - just in case

just in case you're one of the last 4 people on the internet who hasn't seen this or if you want to relive the fun . . .

numa numa goodness!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That has got to be one of the funniest things i have seen!

9/03/2006 03:41:00 PM  
Blogger The Bald Guy said...

Yup its freakin hillariscal

9/09/2006 06:52:00 AM  

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