wednesday wisdom - rom. 12.18
so i've been reading Romans lately and came across this verse last night:
"If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." - Rom. 12:18
thisverse immediately follows the one that talks about not repaying evilfor evil. so i couldn't help but chuckle at how "lax" shall we saythis verse talks about peace. it almost seems more like a suggestionthan direct command or ordinance.
"if possible," . . . does this mean that sometimes it's not always possible??
"as far as it depends on you," . . . does this means sometimes you are not the one in control of you??
i'lllet you answer those questions for yourself. to me it seems much morelike a reminder that we really ought to control ourselves more than wetry, and that it is possible more often than we'd like. because it'seasy to let our emotions fly. it's easy to just blame others for ourmisfortunes. it's easy to say, "i'm only human, i can't get along with everyone!" but if we are truly "renewing our mind" as verse one mentions then our attitude will be much more like Christ, than not.
leave your comments on this verse or any other questions you have for me below.
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