Monday, July 31, 2006

the baptism in the Holy Spirit

if you were there yesterday you heard my message on the Holy Spirit if not you can take a listen here. something's wrong with "" servers so i'm not able to get a rss feed for podcasts yet, but hopefully soon. (btw, the audio is about 37 min. & 18MB to download, so broadband required; if that's not possible for you call pastor abe and he can make you a cd)

ok, so now that you've heard it, use the comments link below to share your thoughts with me and "the internet world!" let me know how you interacted with it. not simply the "good job, pastor abe" how did it change you? did it? have you recieved the baptism in the Spirit yet? if you have or haven't, has it affected the way you witness?

let me know.

and another pic this one from the "way back machine":


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