well it's almost that time again: reallife.MOVIE night. the last movie night seemed to be a success for the guys at least. i know the turnout for the ladies wasn't as great.
i'm planning on doing an all together movie night this time around so i'm asking for any suggestions for next friday. (for those who don't know we have a "reallife.MOVIE night" every 2nd friday of the month)
i've asked for suggestions for movies to show before and got no response, which was emotionally scarring, but technically ok since i had ideas already. but this month . . . i've got nothing!
i mean i could come up with something from this list but i think you guys have better ideas.
leave a suggestion below by clicking on the "leave a comment" link.
I know this is kind of late but sometimes i really like just sitting here reading you blog. I may not do it everyday but when i miss a few days it is kind of neat to read a bunch of different posts from that week or weeks before. Teri
hey thanks teri, it's good to hear that someone besides me is reading this.
just wondering?? why do you sign is as anonymous? if you wanted you could sign is as "other" then put your name (or whatever nickname you want) in the first blank, leave the second one blank if you want and then your comment would read:
"teri said . . ." & and you wouldn't have to add your name to the end of your comment.
so you know by now that i'm really getting into this blogging scene. i think it's really a culmination of many things coming together.
although i'd read many books and articles about the benefits of journaling i was first intrigued by the concept in college. i think i'd read an article on spiritual disciplines so i went down to the local bookstore and bought myself a basic journal. i don't really remember what i wrote about in those first days, but i do remember i filled that book and eventually bought more.
i also remember in college (i don't remember if it was before or after the actual "journal") that i used to carry around with me little 'notepads' and a pen. i used to write down various random thoughts, reminders, appointments, etc. in these. i kinda felt like a journalist. since i always carried them with me they'd get pretty tattered in my back pocket. and the pen i carried would sometimes leak and leave a spot on my pants. deb remembers a time when every pair of jeans i owned had a little black ink spot on the back pocket about the size of a quarter. i got this 'notepad' idea from a former "Bible Quiz" coach. he also used to carry these notepads around everywhere. but what intrigued me was when i heard his wife say that their kids would always wonder why he kept all of them, but that she knew when the time came when he was dead that her kids would see those little notepads as a prized possession. far more valuable than any other inheritance that he might leave.
also in college i had a friend whom i respected named Bo. one day i went to his dorm room late at night and i saw him typing at his computer (rather fast i might add). i asked him if he was working on a paper and his reply was that he was writing to his daily journal. back then he simply had a word document that he added to the end of every day. it'd be interesting to find out if he has a blog out somewhere. the reason this had an impact on me was because it was someone i knew. one of my peers, someone my age who was actually doing this "journaling" stuff. not some old guy or lady writing about it in some book.
so ever since then i've had this intrigue with journaling. i've wanted to do it. i think it'd be a good exercise; mentally and spiritually. although part of me has been reluctant. mostly because i wouldn't want to fail by not having anything to write; not posting as often as bloggers should (or at least my preconceived idea of how often bloggers should).
in fact i tried starting a personal blog a few years ago, mostly because i thought it was a novel idea, not as a way of journaling. it was only recently that the mental shift took place in my mind. it was THIS blog itself that got me interested in blogging again. i began this blog as a way to reach out to the students of grandview in a new way. trying new things to reach a new generation. unlike that other blog though this one is meant for interaction. interaction is welcomed and encouraged over there, but it is truly more of a place for jounaling and a place for my family to remember me if i'm in heaven before them (should the Lord tary).
so that's it, that's how, why, and the 'because' of this blogging craze i'm into. and frankly after keeping this up for a month now, i don't think it's a craze. this is my way of life. so if you've read this far you truly have gotten to know your pastor a little better.
i also wanted to show you this video but the speakers on my macbook are too quiet and it's too loud in the church to hear it. it's a rendition of Outkast's "hey ya" by Obadiah Parker. what i thought was so cool about it was how with a different rhythm you notice different lyrics. also the fact that it seems so slow, but it's the same tempo as the original.
i'm not really sure where this game came from, but some of the vbs crew started playing it on tuesday night. i like it and so if you haven't been introduced to it, study it, learn it, you'll be playing a lot of it!
come sunday night to learn the rules. (this week we'll be having reallilfe.CHURCH instead of "sunday nights @ pastor abe's"
well, call it what you like; a day late or a week early . . . here's your weekly wisdom.
on "sunday nights" (i think that's the working title for our sunday evening get togethers, you got any other suggestions??) we've been going chapter by chapter through the book of acts, but personally i've been reading through the book of romans. (i'll let you guess where we'll be studying next). romans is a powerful book filled with a systematic explaination of God's grace and his standard for holiness.
i was reminded again of what the heart of almost every missionary is to preach the gospel to "those who have not heard." faithful readers will know that last week our church staff went on a retreat. during the trip we looked over some census figures for our city. those numbers showed that approx. 36% of our city declared NO religious affiliation of any sort. so in a zip code with about 12,000+ people that's nearly 4,500 that need a church. if you've never been to grandview, wa let me tell you that's way more people than biggest church in our city. click to read more [+/-]
often times we (we, the church leadership) focus on checking up on the "regulars" who were missing from a particular service or gone for a couple of weeks. we focus on those who faithfully pay their tithes and fill the offering plates. they are afterall the ones who pay our salaries! and we lose focus of Jesus' passion to "leave the 99, in order to find the 1" (Luke 15.
i've found myself trying to think of ways to "reach the masses" by putting on the next big event, going to the next big conference, or bringing in the best and greatest speaker. and yet i forget the need to share my faith to someone else. romans 15.20 states that paul's passion was to reach "the ones who have not heard". is that your passion?? take the time to seek God and ask for HIS heart for lost people.
becuase if you think about it, if we were to really focus on "the one" and were able to reach them . . . we'd have the biggest church in town. think about it!
it's a video of me at one of the final youth services at our previous church. (oh and it was a 'big hair/big butt night'; i wasn't really that big) :-)
wow abe...two things come to mind. #1 i remember maggie saying you used to come up to random freshmen girls and dance. if it was anything like this one, i'm sure they were scared for life...come to think of it, i think i'm scared for life. #2 you're a great example of having a positive self image.
our church has been going through a book that talks about "celebrating wins" in order to keep people motivated to do the work the are called to. one of those wins is what is saw today.
we began our Fiesta 2006 VBS at our church today.
what i saw was many of you, the students of reallife, getting involved and participating in the fun and ministry. when i see you getting involved, it encourages me; knowing that perhaps i've had some influence in students getting involved with their faith. you're the reason i do what i do. my job, my goal . . . my calling . . . is to "get you to still be serving God when your 80." and the only way you can be is to be serving God now. in fact that's how every man or woman of God has done it. they take each and every day otn it's own and serve God to the fullest for that day.
that's how you serve God when your 80, you serve him now, when your 10 . . . 13 . . . 15 . . . 18 . . . 38 . . . 52 . . . etc.
if you weren't at Fiesta today, come by the rest of the week. we'll see you there!
i've come to realize that sometimes even the best intentions and strongest resolve can be weakened or broken. my original resolve was to post something new to this blog and my "other blog". but there have already been a few times that my current day's post actually happened after midnight (like tonight) and in fact i completely missed saturday's post because i wasn't easily near any internet connection for any length of time in order to post something. click to read more [+/-]
so what does this mean for me?? well i'm still committed to posting something everyday, but i'm gonna give myself some grace when that's not always feasible.
finally, tonight i promised everyone that i would have Youth Convention registration forms ready by next sunday, and if i didn't have them ready that i would pay everyone that $5. well i've got a little behind the scenes incentive for anyone who reads this blog and comes to church next sunday night. if you are the first person to email me a reminder on friday & saturday to make the registration forms then i will not only have the registration forms available but i will give you a garunteed $5!
so the question is . . . does anyone really read this blog?? will anyone respond?? does anyone read to the end of the posts?? questions, questions, questions. all you got to do is email me. if you don't know my email address then click on my 'profile' at the top right of this blog and there will be a link to email me on the left side of the next page. AND if there is only one person who emails me then i will give them an extra $2. so $7 total!!!
oh and by the way, i will be putting these kind of surprises and such into the blog every once in a while, so keep reading!
it's modern christianity magazine that reviews various aspects of culture. really awesome stuff and worth a look. also if you have a chance take a look at their "slice of the day" and download the podcast; really funny stuff.
well friends, believe it or not this is the post for thursday. as stated in the title Deb and I, along with Jorge and Maggie Najera, and Pastor Jon and Joddi-Jay are on a staff retreat this weekend. so we've been pretty busy all day and this is finally when i have some time to write.
we're in portland, oregon. last wednesday each couple was given a task to complete for the weekend. and we couldn't talk to anyone else in the group about what that assignment was or to get ideas on how to complete it. in this grand lesson on communication (or lack thereof) it was the lara's task to be in charge of the "activities" for the weekend.
well we came up with a working schedule only to end up finding out that other people had other assignments like "food planning." and that's fine and good, but the only problem was that we weren't able to talk to anyone to clarify that when we were given "activities" that it didn't mean meals. (deb and i both agree that eating is an activity). so we had planned meal times and discussion times and fun activities. so when we found all this out a good portion of our planning was "thrown out" due to the fact that other's had worked on that portion of the weekend. we weren't to happy at first.
anywhoooo, in the end we're having a great weekend and we've spent lots of time talking about our feelings.
if you remember from this past sunday, we read that in chapter 20 paul was "drawn there irresistibly by the Holy Spirit" to go to Jerusalem. so what's going on here?? which Holy Spirit was right?? click to read more [+/-]
does it seem hard sometimes to know God's Will? do you ever wonder if you're really doing what God wants you to do? do you question what you've felt God speak to you because someone else came along and told you otherwise?
may take on things: if your a child of God and listening to the Holy Spirit it's actually pretty hard to "fall out of God's Will." too many times we live this Christian life as if the narrow road was actually a tightrope. the Bible does talk about a 'narrow road' and 'few who find it' (link). but it also describes God's Word as a 'light to our path' and a 'lamp for our feet' (link). God doesn't leave us in the dark. in fact, he's always with us. scriptures also tell us that our God is a 'Good Father.' so he's ready to care for us no matter where he leads. (remember even paul was told that he'd face 'suffering ahead' in chapter 20. and Jesus himself was 'led into the wilderness' by the Holy Spirit.)
now where we get confused is that we expect to know everything. every detail, every date, every person, every action that we are going to encounter. but that 'lamp to our feet' doesn't show us the road around the bend, simply our next few steps.
so where are you today? are you struggling to know God's Will? leave your comments. and come next sunday to hear more on the topic.
so i'd like to get on a weekly schedule for posts on this blog. that way it makes my job easier to know what to post each day. albiet if something comes up that's not on the schedule i reserve the right to post anyway. :-)
but i haven't come up with the whole thing yet. here's what i have so far: click to read more [+/-]
sundays - sunday night links (i'll post about stuff we talked about for the night. mondays - get to know your pastor (random thoughts, facts, feelings, ideas, etc. about, well, me) tuesdays - question of the week (i'll pose a question to discuss) wednesdays - wednesday wisdom (a portion of scripture with commentary) thursday - ?? any thoughts ?? friday - internet gem of the week (featuring the coolest, weirdest, dumbest, most usefullest, or just plain "you-ought-to-see-this" kinda stuff on the web) saturday - ?? any thoughts ??
so there you have it. any suggestions for thursday for saturday??
so being as this is the first tuesday i've come up with the schedule . . . here's your question of the week: if there were a movie made about your life which actor/actress would play your part? and why?
i don't know if you've ever had this experience, but can i just say . . . OOOOUUUUUCCCCCCHHHHH!!!!!
this thing hurts! i'm not really sure if it actually is a zit, but that's what it feels like. i first felt this thing last night and even got up out of bed and went to the bathroom to see what it was and tried to pop it with a needle. double ouch! deb tells me that she just finished having one and that it should last about a week. bummer.
so have you ever had one of these? does it totally gross you out? or do you have any remedies for me? leave a comment!
okay the last thing is Holy Spirit Weekend. friday night and most of saturday we've been having a Holy Spirit Weekend at our church. a time to learn about who the Holy Spirit is, what he does, and what his purpose is for the world and our lives. and mostly a time to seek Him. it's hard to express in to words all that God did in the lives of the people there. but perhaps these pictures will give a glimpse.
you missed out! click on the link to see pictures of the weekend. more importantly come to church on sunday ready to experience the Holy Spirit yourself. seriously God really did some life changing stuff in a lot of people, i expect more great things in the weeks ahead.
oh, my goodness. that's looks cool. i have no shoes on but i'm going to put some on just to try it. (seriously) looks easier for kids maybe?? Thanks Abe
so i've been reading Romans lately and came across this verse last night:
"If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." - Rom. 12:18
thisverse immediately follows the one that talks about not repaying evilfor evil. so i couldn't help but chuckle at how "lax" shall we saythis verse talks about peace. it almost seems more like a suggestionthan direct command or ordinance.
"if possible," . . . does this mean that sometimes it's not always possible??
"as far as it depends on you," . . . does this means sometimes you are not the one in control of you??
i'lllet you answer those questions for yourself. to me it seems much morelike a reminder that we really ought to control ourselves more than wetry, and that it is possible more often than we'd like. because it'seasy to let our emotions fly. it's easy to just blame others for ourmisfortunes. it's easy to say, "i'm only human, i can't get along with everyone!" but if we are truly "renewing our mind" as verse one mentions then our attitude will be much more like Christ, than not.
leave your comments on this verse or any other questions you have for me below.
ok, we've got to make some changes to the movie night this weekend.
"Holy Spirit" weekend is going on this friday and saturday at the church (which i encourage all of you to be a part of. soooooo, we're gonna have to postpone it until monday night @ 8pm. remember to post in the comments of this entry or the other one. if you have any suggestions for the guy's or gal's movie.
so what's on my mind today?? many of you know that i'm an Apple fan. if you didn't now you do. in fact if you'd like to contribute to pastor abe's new MacBook fund you can do so by clicking here. and then clicking on the picture of the laptop on the right hand side of the screen.
anyways today was WWDC (World Wide Developer's Conference). this year they introduced new professional macs, named Mac Pro; and new servers, keeping the same name X-Serve. they also previewed some of the new features of their next version of their operating system; Leopard.
all in all some pretty cool stuff. and now you know your youth pastor a little bit better.
tell me what you think - are you a mac fan too? or "PC's all the way baby!" kinda person?
tonight we talked about acts ch. 19. in this chapter a whole city was honoring God and turning from their old way of life. they even went so far as to burn their "magic incantation books."
sometimes we need to give up the things of this world in order to follow God with all our heart. but the question comes up, "what will we replace it with?" and that's a good question. well, obviously if we want to fill it with things that will glorify God.
so here's my challenge to you: give up all secular music this week. and replace it with all 'Christian' music. "oh no, i could never do that!" i can hear you say. well in order to help ya i found this Music Comparison Chart. click on the link to download the pdf file. it will have one section that says, "if you like . . ." and the other side will say, "then try . . ." with various bands and types of music listed.
you'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read the files. click to download. (that is unless you have a Mac, then just click the link above.
we've got another movie night coming up (every 2nd friday of the month). this month we've got a new idea. we're gonna do separate guys and gals movies.
deb and i have ideas of what to watch for each. but nothing is set in stone. so if you have any ideas put them in the comments section by clicking on the link below.
also we'll be picking up the book of acts again this week. read chapter 18 here.
and finally yet another picture from the way back machine:
for those of you that went to camp, it's been over a week and you've returned to "normal" life. so now what? you experienced an awesome week of fun, games, worship, and God changing your life. you may be feeling like you wish you could go back.
first let me tell you those feelings are normal. we had an awesome week and your real life may not feel the same. but you can keep up friendships via email, im, or good old fashion letters if you exchanged addresses. and you also can keep up your closeness with God.
one student on the ride home expressed, "Christianity is kinda like the internet: you'll probably get disconnected." as i talked to this student i shared that it doesn't have to bee that way. for example, i at home have broadband cable internet access. it's on 24 hours a day 7 days a week; all the time!
so maybe it's time you "upgraded" your Christianity. Pastor Alex Bryant (wwooorrrrddddd!) mentioned 3 things that we needed to do to keep our relationship with God alive.
1. Get it the Word. (Bible) this is God talking to you. are you listening??
2. Pray. You say Jesus is your "best friend." do you talk to him??
3. Surround yourself with friends that will encourage you to keep it up. (reallife meets sunday nights @ 6: we'll see you there!!)
email me if you have any other questions. or leave some comments you have about how you're doing now that camp is over.
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